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Bugs fixed

  • The “AMZ Price to Break Even” and “Max Cost to BE + X%” columns now trigger the download of fees. Someone without any fee columns at all in their output would have seen these columns as always blank.

  • ASIN Scores could in some circumstances be evaluated when the respective data wasn’t available yet.

  • The “Number of Images” column may have shown an inflated figure without historical data, due to incorrectly counting multiple resolutions of the same image, or a blank.

  • Storage fees may have been incorrect for dangerous goods (hazmat).

  • When an item had used offers, the Used BuyBox could have been returned instead of the New BuyBox.

  • Updated a few column descriptions.


  • Custom formulas are now compatible with Google Sheets. They used to produce a double equals sign ('==') at the front, making them show an error in Google Sheets. They now work properly.

  • Improved the accuracy of data for “Is Adult Product”, “Trade-in Eligible”, “Is Memorabilia”, and “Is Autographed”.

  • Small and Light Suitable now also assesses whether a product is classed as Adult or Hazmat (and therefore not eligible).

Hazmat Changes

Previous versions returned a value of ‘Y' or ‘N’ in the “Hazmat” column (ID 131) when the item was under Hazmat Review or otherwise prohibited from being shipped into FBA due to its Hazmat status.

In this version this value is now returned in a new column “Hazmat prevents Shipment” (ID 146).
The existing column (ID 131) is renamed “Is Hazmat” and can show whether an item is hazmat when it isn’t prevented from being shipped.

The “Hazmat Type” column has been updated to correctly return the hazardous material type. For example, for the item it will return a value of “AEROSOLS, FLAMMABLE“.

If you have been using the “Hazmat” column in any custom columns, please check that its value is still what you expect, and update the referenced column ID if you need to.

New Image List column

The “Image List” column has been added (ID 1132), which will produce a list of all available* images on this product, in their largest known resolution.

* Subject to the API limit, which at the time of writing is 10, including the main image and colour swatch, if applicable.

Filtering and Scoring on Custom Columns

Filtering and scoring have just become even more powerful: You can now use them with your custom Excel formula based columns!

Previously it wasn’t possible to select a custom column for creating a filter or scoring rule. In this update we have worked to add this functionality, enabling the following new possibilities:

Combining criteria

You can now use Excel’s AND() and OR() to create arbitrarily complex conditions under which a product should be discarded or receive a certain score.

Filtering on input columns

To create a custom column that references an input column, recall that we use the notation =@{A} to output the value of input column A.

You can now use this in a filter, so if you name this column “Input column A”, a filter such as “Discard if Input column A is equal to ‘No’” becomes possible.

A concrete use case is where your supplier has a “Quantity on Hand” column that you may wish to filter out. Let’s assume for this example that this “QoH” column is column C. In that case we would define our custom column like this:

And this would be our custom QoH filter:

Your custom column does not need to be part of the output in order to be evaluated, but it may help you with debugging.

We also recommend adding the Discard Reason column when creating a new custom formula based filter. Adding this column has the effect that discarded items remain in the output, and this column will tell you which filter would cause it to be discarded. This allows you to refine your filters. You can also quickly remove these rows based on “Discard Reason” having a value.

Items that are discarded in this manner are treated the same as if they were actually discarded - they will not have all data populated depending on the stage at which they were filtered out.

If you work with files using different layouts, please remember to disable input-based filters, or it could lead to unexpected results. For example and following the QoH example above, if your file has a blank column for C, it could result in all items being discarded right at the start.

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