Run Settings

Run Settings

Before you start a run, you’ll be able to change several run-specific settings.

1. Input List

Shows the input file that you have selected and an estimated number of records.

For xls or xlsx input files the number of records may be larger than expected. This is due to the way Excel saves formatted cells, even if they are empty.

2. Product ID Type

Auto-detected from your input if possible.

PC2 supports the following types of product identifier:

ID Type



ID Type




10 digit Amazon’s standard identification number

ID Lookup


13 digit European Article Number

ID Lookup


12 digit Universal Product Code

ID Lookup

ISBN 10/13

10 or 13 digit International Standard Book Number

ID Lookup


Search word or phrase of any length

Keyword Search


The SKU as used in your listed Amazon inventory

SKU Lookup - only your already listed items

ID Lookup is the fastest option for identifying matching Amazon listings.

Keyword Search can be slower, but if other identifiers are unknown or unavailable allows you to search for products as if you were searching online, such as by MPN or product title.

SellerSKU is a special option that will return only items that you have already listed in your Amazon inventory. They are looked up quickly by your own SKU. This option may not be useful for finding new products, but could allow you to, for example, assess the benefits of converting your Merchant Fulfilled portfolio to Amazon fulfilled.

PC2 will in the vast majority of cases detect types and columns correctly.
If not, the input file may be in a complex or difficult-to-parse format. To optimise your file, remove company headers, empty columns and rows, and clearly label each column, then try opening it again.
This will also make it easier to select the correct type and columns manually if you need to.

‘File has headers’

If checked, the first row will be interpreted as column headings/titles.

If unchecked, the first row will be considered regular data and passed through analysis.

When reading Excel files as input, PC2 will first look at the active sheet, then at each non-empty sheet in turn to find one with suitable data.

Be sure to save on the correct sheet if your file has multiple sheets/tabs.

Product ID column

Auto-detected from your input if possible.

This is the column in which PC2 should expect to find your Product IDs. Select the correct column if this doesn’t match what you know about the file.

Remove Duplicates

By default PC2 will filter out duplicated IDs. However, in some cases you may want to keep them, such as liquidation lots with separate positions and costs of the same product. Uncheck this option to keep all entries.

4. Cost Column (optional)

This is the column in which PC2 should expect to find your costs, if any.

If costs are specified (you don’t have to), PC2 will be able to calculate profits, ROI, etc for you.

If you don’t have a cost column, PC2 will generate a blank one in the output.
You can use it to add costs after completion, and have profits calculated at the end without running the whole file again.

5. Supplier Multipack Column (optional)

This is a special column which allows PC2 to adjust costs based on case-pack or carton-pack quantities and prices, pallets you need to split up or prep into new multi-packs, etc.

If this column is specified, costs are interpreted as if they were for the multi-pack quantity in this column.

If it isn’t specified, costs are interpreted per single unit.

Only specify a multipack column if your costs are per-multipack.


Input Cost

Supplier Multipack

Amazon Multipack

Cost per single

Cost per unit-as-sold

Input Cost

Supplier Multipack

Amazon Multipack

Cost per single

Cost per unit-as-sold









$10/2 = $5

$5 x 6 = $30





$5 x 4 = $20




$100/40 = $2.50

$2.50 x 4 = $10




$100/40 = $2.50


If you don’t have a supplier multipack column in your input, PC2 will generate a blank one in your output.

You can use it to change purchased-pack quantities after completion and have profits re-calculated without running the whole file again.

6. Costs are in
7. Return profits in

PC2 supports a variety of input and output currencies, and Amazon’s marketplace use a variety of transaction currencies. To normalise profit figures the different exchange rates need to be accounted for.

PC2 downloads live rates multiple times a day and can help you convert between currencies, for example if you buy in GBP but sell in USD, or vice versa.

If you select “Marketplace Currency” for profits, PC2 will convert any relevant figures into the same currency as the market operates in. For any other combination the following conversions will take place:

  1. From the cost currency to the profit/operating currency (only if different).

  2. From the marketplace currency to the profit/operating currency (if different).

PC2 codes the exchange rates used into every output formula that needs them. If you change values that needed to be converted, it will happen automatically.

8. Marketplace to Analyze

Auto-detected for browser runs only.

This is the marketplace against which you wish to run your list. You can only choose a market for which you have valid MWS Keys.

9. Cost Profile

PC2 can make your profit estimation more accurate by including a variety of additional costs.

If you have a single cost profile, you can make basic adjustments, or click ‘Advanced’ to fine-tune or create multiple profiles.

If you already have multiple profiles configured, this section will show a drop-down selector from which to pick.

10. Additional Options

Historical Data

This is enabled by default. Our historical data stream serves data such as “Is Amazon a Seller”, certain editorial information (feature bullets, description, UPC/EAN lists), and of course historical averages. It can be turned off to save bandwidth and speed up a run.

Get Variation Reviews

This is disabled by default.

Variations are the different colours, styles, sizes, etc, which Amazon provide as options to choose from on a single product.

Amazon normally provides a headline figure for review could and average rating, which is the same for all variations. This option forces PC2 to make additional requests to discover the rating for each individual variation, however, please be aware that this can be very, very slow.

Grab all Variations

This is disabled by default.

For many products a specific UPC will link to just one colour of that product, for example “T-Shirt - Yellow - Size M”. Enabling this option will cause PC2 to discover all other variations of the same product, e.g. “Red Size M”, “Yellow Size S”, “Red Size S”, etc.

The cost and other input data will be cloned from the original variation that was in your file.

This will slow down the run in direct proportion to the number of additional products discovered.

In the output, rows added via this option will have a * added to their input ID.

If variation discovery results in duplication, the “Remove Duplicates” option will keep the first one added. This may end up being discovered variations over others also present in your file.

Change Output File

Please see Change output location or type

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